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Kitchen Renos
Kitchen Renovations

Your Ideal Kitchen, Crafted to Fit Your Budget


We believe in creating beautiful kitchens that fit your budget and expectations. We understand that everyone’s idea of a perfect kitchen is different, and that’s why we offer personalized options to match your style and needs. Whether you prefer a modern look or a classic feel, we have the experience to bring your vision to life in a way that respects your budget.

Our broad experience across various kitchen styles allows us to guide you through a smooth renovation process, making sure you’re involved and informed at every step. With us, you get a blend of luxury, functionality, and personalized service, all while keeping your financial comfort in mind. Let’s start the journey to your dream kitchen today.

Custom Creations Built To Specs


Choosing custom cabinets from us means you’re getting a perfect blend of luxury and practicality, tailored specifically for your home. Our dedicated team ensures that every detail, from the choice of wood to the style of handles, is chosen to reflect your unique taste while maximizing space and efficiency. With our vast experience in a variety of cabinet styles, we’re able to offer advice and insights that elevate your kitchen beyond the ordinary. Let us help you transform your kitchen with cabinets that are as beautifully crafted as they are functional, making every moment in your kitchen a luxury experience.

Our custom kitchens are designed with your entertainment needs in mind, ensuring every gathering is memorable. Beyond the immediate joy of a beautiful, functional space, a custom kitchen by Strongridge adds significant value to your home, making it a wise investment for your future. Don’t settle for ordinary when you can elevate your home’s most important room with a kitchen that’s as unique as you.

5 Year Warranty

Customer Service

Customer Service

Competitive Prices

Highest Quality

Why Choose Us

Choose Strongridge Developments for a renovation partnership defined by excellence, customization, and attentiveness.

Exceptional Craftsmanship and Quality
Commitment to Excellence in Every Project
Precision in Budget Management
Adherence to Timelines
Guaranteed Satisfaction
Customer Centered


A kitchen renovation can range from minor updates, like painting and replacing fixtures, to a complete overhaul involving new appliances, cabinets, countertops, flooring, and possibly reconfiguring the layout to improve functionality and flow.

The duration of a kitchen renovation depends on the scope of the project. Minor updates might take a few weeks, while a full renovation could last a few months, especially if structural changes or extensive custom work are involved.

Costs vary widely based on the extent of the renovations, materials selected, and labor costs in your area. Minor remodels can start in the lower thousands, while major renovations might cost tens of thousands of dollars. It’s important to set a realistic budget and factor in a buffer for unforeseen expenses. Our kitchen renovations generally start at $14,950.

It depends on the work being done. Cosmetic updates typically don’t require permits, but structural changes, electrical or plumbing work, and major alterations often do. It’s essential to check with your local building department to understand the requirements and obtain the necessary permits.

Enrich Your Cooking Experience

Craft Your Dream Space

Dive into the world of bespoke renovations with Strongridge Developments—where every project is a masterpiece in the making.

Our commitment to superior craftsmanship and quality transforms your home into a haven of luxury and comfort. We take pride in delivering tailored spaces that echo your personal style and sophistication.

Kitchen Renovation Services